Amit's random thoughts

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What have we achieved ?

It was a nice day today. Do I mean weather was nice or is it that one of the random day when things feel or seem to be great

I just happened to realize how our minds have become narrow nowadays. We need to THINK IT OVER .I just feel like putting the ten things that have been coming to my mind this week

1. We have higher buildings and wider highways but shorter temperaments and narrower point of view
2. We spend more but enjoy less
3. We have large houses, but smaller families
4. We have more compromises, but less time
5. We have more knowledge, but less judgement
6. We have more medicines, but less health
7. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values
8. We talk much, love only little and moreover hate more
9. We have technology to reach moon and come back today, but we still find it hard to cross the road of hatred and meet our neighbors
10. We have always thought and conquered the outer space but not our inner space

These are the days when we have two salaries coming home but divorces increase.
So I believe lets not keep things for special occasion as everyday we live is a special occasion

Life is chain of moments to cherish it is not about survival

Let us tell and show to our families and close ones that we love them and they mean a lot to us

Who says we have not changed. We have definitely changed but not for our good certainly there is a lot to be done here


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