Amit's random thoughts

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

What is the real reason ?

I was having a chat with China about why we do not find many Indians in aggressive sports. I was just wondering over the same thought our sporting events differ a lot from many countries, we do not play in aggressive sports. On field too when it comes to vigor, let us say about the most common game Indians play, Cricket. In this sport too as compared to the other country players we lack the passion in us

The excellence in sports is determined by the nutrition factor. I strongly feel there are two things to it, one is we lack motivation and talent or our genetic structure doesn’t allow us to be so. Steffi Graf was handed a sawed-off tennis racquet at age five by an encouraging father and thereby got a headstart, she may not have dominated women’s tennis for so many years if it was not for her father to motivate her

In an interesting study a couple had three daughters and they had decided to make them chess players though all the girls dint show any inclination towards the game. All the daughters not only did exceptionally well but the youngest went on to become the youngest ever international chess grandmaster. The girl was from the famous Polgar family

Why do we fail to produce Maradona or Mc Grath? It is our genes which determine our cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and regulatory functions. Each has a crucial bearing on stamina and fitness. Simply put, irrespective of the resources we invest in certain areas of sport, we are never going to come home with the gold. When it comes to sports which do not require much physical strain, we pass muster. More emphasis is given on studies rather than sports and the attitude that sports is for the non-serious student is the real reason for the country not producing enough champs

I feel it is a topic which can be open for debate whether we are born with our genes not supporting sport or do we lack the drive to excel in sports. But one thing is sure if we gave sports the priority and respect it deserves, the medals and accolades will automatically come in thick and fast

Friday, March 18, 2005

Extraordinary Heroes

Being a secret agent sounds so thrilling. You are continuously on your toes. A few days back SCG was saying she would like to shoot people, but for the law. Isn't the life of these people marked with vehement ?

On March 04th, 2005, Italian special agent lost his precious life saving an Italian hostage in Iraq. Nicola Calipari was Italian agent who sacrificed his life in saving Giuliani Sgrena. This 51 year guy had proven a lot as an agent. A street in Italy is being named by his name and for his funeral march the entire football ground and even the president gave a standing ovation

The government spends around 40% of the defense grants on these intellectual people. The life of the agents rest on a knife edge and without a second thought they give it to save the people and the country

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Koyna Earthquake

The one thing that scares me is Earthquake. The entire human specie cannot do anything against this, the scary truth of Mother Nature. Koyna dam witnessed two earthquakes on Tuesday,March 14th ,05. One was a slightly bigger 5.1 on Richter scale. Koyna dam lies in Satara district and is one of the major hydro electric power plants

To imagine a small damage to this dam could see cities under water with an unaccountable damage to human life and property. The most rudimentary understanding is that we do not own anything in this world. We live at the mercy of the nature and we can be nowhere within seconds

Earthquakes pose serious problems to the designers of dams, in that hazards have uncertainties associated with the occurrences of extreme events and decisions must be made as to the best way to handle these uncertainties. The koyna dam is susceptible to frequent earthquakes and therefore I feel designing such a dam which the engineers know lies in the zone of earthquake must be a very challenging job. Great work !!!

Monday, March 07, 2005


Yesterday was Sandy’s party it was figured out later that it was for her graduation. That was one of the reasons why she gave a party. I just realized the value of food yesterday. I had not eaten properly whole day and I was very hungry. I was also eating the carrot and cabbage from the appetizers with the awesome Thai spring roll sauce, these things I usually do not eat

I learned that when you are hungry whatever you eat at that moment seems to be pretty nice. It is only the food that matters. When we eat we eat with a taste and we find the food lavishing but when we are hungry do we manage to realize the taste. No, we don’t we just keep on hogging. As your stomach starts to fill up it is then that you start to choose and start understanding the taste. The fish which I started eating seemed to me to be the best fish I ever had, gradually I realized that it was not very fresh. So people who start to be choosy I know for sure that those people are not hungry

Hunger must be one of the worst things in the world. People stuck in the tsunami were hungry for more than a week. I could not stand the hunger for half a day, but I feel that after a threshold limit the hunger must be getting killed and then we may not be feeling hungry anymore. That is what I guess so. One thing I know for sure but that when you are on empty stomach and you see something to eat it feels like the best thing you ever had in the world

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Killer Instincts

Wichita is the largest city in Kansas and recognized as one of the major mid-sized cities in the nation. Founded in 1868, the city enshrined the name of Wichita Indians, who had made that area their home. The city is home to Boeing, Cessna, Learjet and Raytheon, the city has also been nicknamed the "Air Capital of the World."
The booming industries had got a lot of economical growth to the city. Something terrible was born on January 15th 1974; it was the dawn of a serial killer. He killed the Otereo family and immediately after nine month he sent a letter to Wichita Eagle newspaper that he had committed the murder and had the information about it in a mechanical engineering book at Wichita public library. The killer’s fetish was to bind them torture them and then kill the victim which named him BTK.
A quote from his letter is very interesting: "I can't stop it so the monster goes on, and hurt me as well as society. Society can be thankful that there are ways for people like me to relieve myself at time by day dreams of some victims being tortured and being killed. It is a big complicated game of the monster play putting victims number down, follow them, checking up on them, waiting in the dark, waiting, waiting.... the pressure is great and sometimes then I run the game to my liking. Hopefully you can stop me. I feel you can't. I have already chosen my next victim or victims. I don't know who they are yet. The next day after you read the paper, you will know, but it will be to late. Good luck hunting
The devil ended his killings in 1977 as they had started and it was as if the killer had vanished. After nearly 30 years of silence, BTK once again terrorized the city of Wichita. The killer resurfaced on March 19, 2004, when he sent a letter to The Wichita Eagle newsroom.
Dennis Rader, a family going man was charged of first degree murders of 10 victims on February 25th 2005 for leading a double life. Rader, 59, is a married father of two, scout leader and active member of a Lutheran church. He made his first appearance on March 1st 2005
The police and the entire community is still baffled over the reasons for his massive killings